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Health Care & Well-Being 

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Non-Prescription Product

HANs Pharmacy is offering non-prescription and other healthcare products essential to the needs of general pharmacy clients as well as patients requiring general treatment such as diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, arthritis, and asthma treatment.

HANs Pharmacy also provides you with carefully selected Health Care Supplements and Beauty Products to improve the quality of your daily life. 

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Medical Compression Therapy

HANs Pharmacy is a certified partner of SIGVAIRS GROUP, which provides the best medical-grade compression stockings.

Medical compression therapy helps to reduce swelling and the formation of edema in edematous tissues. SIGVARIS PRODUCTS provide significant relief of leg aching, pain, feeling of swelling and heaviness, and other venous and lymphatic symptoms. 

However, they can be applied in different pressure degrees, forms, styles, and materials based on the symptoms and needs of individuals. So they need professional and accurate procedures.

The morning will be the best time for measurement 

So book an appointment as you please.

If you have varicose veins, spider veins, or surgery, your doctor may prescribe compression stockings.

Schedule online. It's easy, fast and secure.

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